Little Thoughts Press workshops offer supportive, small-group sessions led by talented kid-lit creators! All workshops are offered online and are open to all kid-lit enthusiasts. Whether you are an emerging writer looking for encouragement and gentle guidance, or an experienced writer looking to explore new genres and generate fresh ideas, Little Thoughts Press workshops are a great way to connect with other members of the kid-lit community, generate new drafts, and find inspiration and support on your writing journey. ​
2024 Workshop Schedule
From the Word Go
A celebration of the richness of the English language and the opportunities it offers to writers.
Led by Jennifer Thomas
Saturday, September 14th, 2024
1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. (EDT)
via Zoom
When you see a beautiful building, do you ever stop to take a close look at the individual materials with which it was constructed? In this workshop for children's writers at all career stages, we'll do just that. We'll focus on the building blocks—words—that writers use to tell stories, construct worlds, and evoke emotions. We'll take a brief look at the history that has given English-language writers such a head-scratchingly odd but beautiful set of words to work with, and then we'll discuss how writers can use various qualities of those words to tap into their own creativity and connect with readers. Have a pen and paper handy: you'll have a chance to see where some words take you during the workshop.
In this workshop, we will:
Discover what makes English such a rich language, full of quirks and beauties that writers can harness.
Consider the effect that individual words have on readers/listeners: the way they sound, the way they look on the page, the memories they evoke.
Explore the adage "The sum is greater than its parts" by briefly reviewing techniques for combining words to magnify their effect (e.g., assonance, repetition, rhyme).
Explore how a single word or pair of words can generate ideas for writing.
This workshop is for children's writers at any stage of their writing career: from beginners who haven't yet discovered the fun of being a word nerd, to deep-in-the-trenches writers who are feeling worn down by the publishing business and want to inject some joy back into their writing process, to well-established writers who'd like to look at their building blocks with fresh eyes.

Jennifer is a Canadian poet and professional medical editor. Her children’s poetry has been published in Little Thoughts Press, The Dirigible Balloon, Tyger Tyger, Paddler Press, and The Toy, and she was a semi-finalist in the 2024 Madness! Poetry children's poetry tournament. She has been interviewed by Little Thoughts Press and has been a guest poet on Brian Moses's blog. She's a card-carrying word nerd — the kind of person who enjoys reading centuries-old dictionaries in her spare time. Visit her at jenniferthomaswords.com.
Additional workshop offerings coming soon.
Are you a kid-lit creator with an idea for a workshop that you'd like to have hosted by Little Thoughts Press?
Please contact Claire at littlethoughtspress@gmail.com to learn how to submit a workshop proposal.