Submissions for Issue 10 will be open February 24 - March 31.
Click here to read about the guidelines and find the submission form for ISSUE 10: AN EKPHRASIS ADVENTURE.
Little Thoughts Press publishes stories, poetry, and artwork for young readers ages ten and under. All submitted material should be aimed at this audience. While writing for children does not need to be explicitly childlike in style and can address complex emotions and experiences, any work featuring adult themes and language will not be accepted.
Please send previously unpublished work only—for our purposes, a piece is considered published if it has appeared online or in print in an existing journal, magazine, anthology, or other books. Work that has appeared on personal blogs, social media, or as part of a class assignment is okay.
We are only interested in your original creations. Please do not send us AI-created work.
We will happily accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your submission is accepted elsewhere by emailing us at littlethoughtspress@gmail.com to withdraw your piece.
You are welcome to submit multiple pieces at a time and can send any combination of poetry, stories, and artwork as outlined below. All written pieces should be submitted in a single document with the titles of each piece clearly marked (.doc/.docx, or pdf preferred).
All submissions should be sent using our submission forms. Please do not email submissions. A thank you message should pop up upon successful completion of your submission. If you do not see this message, or if you have any difficulty with the submission form, please contact Claire at littlethoughtspress@gmail.com.
We welcome submissions from writers and artists of all ages. A number of spots per issue will be reserved for our youngest submitters ages 12 and under.
Poetry: please submit up to 3 poems of any style.
Stories: please submit up to 2 stories (600 words or less per story—please note that this is a change from past submission periods. Stories over 600 words will not be considered for publication.)
Please submit up to 2 illustrations (in .jpg or .png format).
We accept artwork submissions of any size or orientation, and a photograph of a child's artwork sent in .jpg or .png formatting is fine. Some general guidelines to keep in mind, though, are that a portrait layout over a landscape layout is generally preferred, as well as a minimum file size 1000 x 1200 pixels.
YOUTH WRITERS & ARTISTS (ages 12 and under) please note:
All submissions should be your original creations. If you need a parent, teacher, or caregiver's help with writing, spelling, or completing the submission form, that is fine, but submitted stories, poetry, and artwork should be the creations of your own mind. Please be sure to select the 12 and under box on the submission form.
ALL SUBMITTERS, if you are ready to submit your work, please FIND AND COMPLETE OUR SUBMISSION FORM HERE. (You should see a message thanking you for your submission after hitting submit. This message confirms that your submission was received.) SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS ISSUE ARE UNIQUE. PLEASE VISIT THIS BLOG POST TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS ISSUE'S THEME AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES.
Little Thoughts Press requests first publication rights to publish your work in print and digital formats, as well as the right to share images of your printed work in our newsletters and on our blog unless you request otherwise. If your piece is published elsewhere in the future, it would be great if you could credit Little Thoughts Press as its initial publication. If your work is accepted for publication, you will receive the option of either a complimentary copy of the issue or a small payment for your work. All contributors will receive a discount on the purchase of additional copies.
Little Thoughts Press is dedicated to promoting access to reading for all children. We are happy to provide complimentary copies of our issues to schools or local libraries. If you'd like a copy sent to a library in your community, please reach out to Claire at littlethoughtspress@gmail.com to discuss that process. If you'd like to help support this initiative, please consider making a donation. All donations will be used toward the cost of production and providing complimentary issues to libraries and schools.
Little Thoughts Press is a safe, open, and inclusive creative space. We will not tolerate racism, bigotry, hatred, or abuse of any kind. We welcome creators of all backgrounds, experiences, and identities. If you have questions, concerns, or difficulties with our submission process, please email Claire at littlethoughtspress@gmail.com.