Leonor, aged 6, wants to be really clever when she grows up. Her most favourite colours are green, silver and gold. Her favourite character is Disgust from Inside Out. Most of all she loves her family.
What made you choose this animal for our Go Wild issue?
Because they have beautiful colours.
What is one interesting fact about the super humpheaded wrasse that you can share with our readers?
It has thick lips and teeth.
What is your favorite topic to study in school?
History and art and English. And I also like Geography and RE and PE.
What is the most interesting thing you recently learned?
About the Great Fire of London.
What book are you currently reading or read most recently? Would you recommend this book to other readers?
The Emperor's New Clothes. Yes, I would recommend it.
What is your favorite animal?
Oh gosh, I like so many animals... horse and bunny.
Do you have any suggestions for fellow kids on how they can help protect animals and wildlife habitats?
Make sure other people don't kill them and to tell them not to.
Look after them and make sure they're not hurt. Making sure they have food. Pick up rubbish down at the sea.